Bacon & Kids

Successfully Bring Home the Bacon and Raise Happy Kids!

Fifth Grade Graduation Party – Beach Themed Party

on September 14, 2015


Our son will be starting middle school in September… middle school!  I thought it would be fun to have a 5th grade graduation party for him and a few of his friends. The same friends that celebrated their Kindergarten graduation together. Not sure how the time flew right by us but it did. Can’t even think about High School graduation. 😦

So back to the 5th Grade Graduation Party…

We did a Beach theme. The weather decided to be perfect “beach day” weather, CrAzY hot! Which we had to enjoy in our backyard instead of actually being at the beach. Oh well. it was fun!

Outdoor decorations…

Plastic Table Covering used as waves on the fence

Beach Balls

decorations waves beach party

decorations fence plastic table covering

Photo Booth Area

the graduates beach party

the girls grad beach party

Party favor gifts for the graduates…

Filled Sand Pails with candy, silly string, glow toys, gift card and cash.

gift baskets sand pail gifts

gift buckets sand pail

Here is the Candy & Cake Table…

candy buffet with out cake

candy and cake table beach theme

candy table left side candy buffet

beach theme candy table right side

And here are some of the kids getting their fill of candy!

kids at candy table

It was a fun day for the kids.

I have 2 years before I’ll need to host our daughter’s 5th grad graduation. She can’t wait. 😛

Happy Beach Party planning to you!


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